Wednesday, December 5, 2007

ThinkPad Plagiarism

In researching a new ThinkPad, a reader wrote to point out a blog post that blatantly plagiarizes a review on Notebook Review.

Mr. Rohan Sharma, a lawyer and blogger in India, posted a review of the ThinkPad T61 on his blog.

The astute reader came upon Sharma's review while researching this particular laptop and quickly realized that the majority of Sharma's review was taken, verbatim, from the review posted at Notebook Review.

The Anonymous Ombudsman has contacted Mr. Sharma and requested that the copied review be removed from his blog.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Now live and listening

The Anonymous Ombudsman blog is now live. The purpose of the Anonymous Ombudsman is to provide someplace for people to air their grievances against a person / company in a completely anonymous manner.

If you have a convern / problem / gripe / annoyance / grievance that you would like to be made public, just send an email to

If your concern is not illegal / pornographic / inappropriate for public eyes then it will be posted here at the Anonymous Ombudsman blog.

Think you have no place to turn to get your voice heard and published? Think again. The Anonymous Ombudsman is only a click away.